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Welcome to my web site and thank you for your interest in my art. This web site has been set up so you can view my artwork and familiarize yourself with who I am and what I do.

I have set up the web galleries so that you can first see my artwork as it may appear on a wall from a short distance. This will give you a feel for the size of the painting. You may then enlarge each painting for a closer look. If you are a returning visitor searching for a particular piece, you may find it easier to locate it in the archives.

I welcome your thoughts and feedback. Again, thank you for stopping by to look at the art of Steven Scott.

Steven Scott

Steven Scott, the artist creates beautiful abstract paintings. He is a gay artist in Los Angeles, California. His large paintings in beautiful, vivid colors are pursued by avid collectors. Emerging artist, Steven Scott, creates with freedom that is refreshing.

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